Return Policy

What can I return?

You may request returns for most items you buy on Xquisite Vertex. However, you can only return items that are identified as “returnable” on the product detail page or our policy and within the “return window” period.

The items are returnable in the following conditions:

  • Physically damaged
  • Has missing parts or accessories
  • Defective
  • Different from its description on the product detail page

How do you return items?

Follow the below steps to return your item(s):

  1. Go to Your Orders( ensure that you have signed in before)
  2. Choose an item that you want to return or exchange 
  3. Select a reason from the menu and continue.

You need to contact the seller to initiate returns for seller fulfilled orders. To do so:

  1. Go to your orders
  2. Choose an item that you want to return or replace.  
  3. Select “contact seller.” You will be directed to the Seller Messaging Assistant
  4. Select the appropriate action.

Go to “Your Orders” to initiate a return.

Note: The above process is applicable only if the product is returnable or the return window is still active.

If you need to contact the seller, this must be done following the steps as mentioned in Xquisite Vertex Return Policy. If the seller fails to address your query in three business days, the Xquisite Vertex Guarantee Return Policy is available.

What are the return guidelines?

Following are the return guidelines of Xquisite Vertex:

  1. The item that you wish to return must be eligible for return.
  2. If the return is not eligible for pick up, a self-return option will be given.
  3. Once the return is received, you will be issued a refund to your original payment method in accordance with the refund policy.

Refunds will be processed either to your bank account or Xquisite Vertex account (Xquisite Vertex pay balance).

Where can I view the status of the return?

Follows the required steps to view the status of the return:

  1. Locate the item from Your Orders
  2. Select Return/Refund status.