Refund Policy

Once we receive your return or the seller notifies us of receipt of the return, in that case, a refund is issued to the original payment method, which is either your bank account or the Xquisite Vertex pay balance.

Refund Timelines

The refund period for different modes of payment is given below:

Available Return Method  Refund Time Frame
For Prepaid orders After Xquisite Vertex receives the return
Xquisite Vertex pay balance 2hours
Credit card/ Debit card/ Net Banking 3-5 Business Days
UPI Linked Bank Account 2-4 Business Days
For Pay On Delivery orders After Xquisite Vertex receives the return
Payment To Bank Account 2-4 Business Days
Xquisite Vertex Pay Balance 2 hours

Refund For Pay On Delivery orders

For pay on delivery orders, refunds will be processed either to your bank account or Xquisite Vertex account ( as Xquisite Vertex pay balance).

If you wish to receive the Pay on Delivery order's refund to your bank account, you can update the bank account details in your account section or from the return center when you are returning them

Note: Returns cannot be processed to a third-party's account. The name on your Xquisite Vertex account should match the bank account holder's name.